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Free product overview

The purpose of freez products: to bring even more quality to our lives. Our algae support our body's defense system and self-healing ability. If we also strive to eliminate the root causes of diseases, we will have a long life ahead of us. But we want to help not only with this, but also with solutions that can give back a little of what nature takes away over many years.

By ordering at least 2 products, you can choose a free product on the page that appears after submitting your order, using the form there. These products can improve our quality of life. The quality of our hair, skin, tissues, and joints, and the restful sleep that gives us extra years. It helps in following the chosen diet and in better digestion, which not only suppresses an unpleasant symptom, but also maintains our intestinal system - "where health resides".

What free products can we choose? In the following, you will find a short information about the free products you can choose if you order at least 2 products. You can find more information about the products by clicking on the images.

By reading the description further, you can learn about the possibility of an additional freebie, which applies if the amount of your orders exceeds HUF 72,900 within 90 days, or if you order more than this amount. The free Ever Gold will come automatically if you have reached the mentioned amount limit.

How can we choose the free product? Compile the order and send it in, thereby completing the ordering process. After that, a page will appear where you can select the free product on a form. Choosing the freebie is another process, so we have to enter our name again so that the identification is clear. By clicking on the button, you will find an informative video that also introduces this section.

Optional free products

Beautiful skin & hair - Beauty In The product contains hydrolyzed collagen, which can be integrated into the skin, and hyaluronic acid, which can bind a lot of liquid. The result is elastic, tight skin, where our algae and the added vitamin C present in the product acts as a catalyst to help the above active ingredients to be incorporated.

It is less known, but shiny, rich hair is also the effect of collagen, as these also depend on the amount of collagen in our body. As the years go by, less and less collagen is produced in the body. Collagen has a beneficial effect on the aging of the skin, thus also on the health of the hair.

There is a lot of useful information on the site, including recipes that make the skin more beautiful from the outside with algae wraps. The question is not whether it works, but how much it works for us. Based on feedback, approx. visible change within a month. Click on the picture to learn more.

Diet & digestion supporter - Body Full This is an exceptional preparation that supports us in two areas at the same time in achieving our goals. And both areas affect many people, almost half of the population. The support is parallel, i.e. if someone does not want to lose weight, but is looking for a solution to his digestive problem, he will not lose weight if he does not start a diet. And this is bad news for those who want to lose weight: if you don't start a diet, there is no "miracle drug" that will make you lose weight.

The diet is not a pain if it is chosen skillfully and the support is appropriate. An important part of the latter is the correct timing and drinking water, which we also draw your attention to, supplemented with practical advice. We help to create a feeling of fullness and to adhere to the diet, without developing a deficiency state. And exercise is an extra, with which you can shape your body according to your needs, as if you were your own sculptor. Could be interesting?

The product also helps those who have digestive problems. For example, the burden of constipation or bloating. The two usually go hand in hand... Fixing the bowels usually helps with both problems. Clean intestines also support the immune system, which is a valuable extra. And much, much more... The name of the product also refers to the above double effect: body full = full body . To support a diet, a feeling of fullness and elimination of bloating, cleansing the bowels, if we are looking for a solution for this. The calming effect of lemongrass should be added. A lot of support, details by clicking on the image below.

Relaxing sleep - Deep Sleep

Calm, restful sleep is not just a one-time experience. It contributes to the preservation of our health, and if we consciously pay attention to it, it can give us years that we can spend together in the company of our loved ones. Perhaps no one needs to be shown how different the day starts after a restful sleep than when we wake up as if we didn't sleep at all.

The beneficial effect of algae on sleep is enhanced by herbs that have been known in folk medicine for centuries. The question here is not whether it works, but how much it helps us. It is important that the product does not produce the desired effect overnight - although this is also possible - but within 1-2 weeks. Details by clicking on the picture below.

The children's algae - Immun Kids

Thanks to algae and other ingredients, Classic Immun Kids combines countless beneficial effects in one preparation. Valuable food, which is rich in proteins, fatty acids, vitamins, magnesium, iron and calcium, which is especially necessary for the growth of bones and teeth.

In the case of strong antiviral protection, viruses entering the body are unable to reproduce, spread, cause disease, or spread to others. Every parent knows that children's communities are hotbeds for viral diseases. Children interact with each other much more informally than adults, and they quickly pass on different viruses to each other, which, if passed on at home, parents are not immune to the various epidemics, no matter how hard they try to protect themselves. The antiviral effect of our algae has been known for a long time, not only by science, but also by our almost two decades of experience. The consumption of algae is recommended for the whole family, increasing the quantity in viral times. And if our pets are also part of the family, then when the algae is opened from the capsule, they get the support too. Among the experiences, you will also find feedback in their cases.

Quality time - the reward of regularity

When ordering at least 190 or more - totaled in up to 90 days - you will receive Ever Renewing Gold as a gift, you can find its valuable ingredients by clicking on the picture. Not only can it make life easier for older people, we recommend it for people over 40. 1 capsule per day is a perceptible extra energy for many, which has a positive effect on our load capacity and well-being. An incomparably valuable selection of nature a reward for regularity, and a friend to your wallet when you receive it as a gift.

GreenStar International continues the production of algae products after the demise of WellStar, as a result of an agreement with the previous owner (Christian Wiesner). In addition to the production of algae products popular since 2004, new developments are also available, and the same specialists behind their composition and production are the ones who were at the time of WellStar. German product, German quality for nearly 20 years.

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